Prep Time: 20 min.

Even if they are just made of fruit, Mr. and Mrs. Ice Lolly are a super refreshing, not to mention cute option, for those warmer days. 



1. Slice the watermelon and cut two lolly-shaped rectangles that are the same size.

2. Dab the watermelon dry with a piece of kitchen towel (this will ensure the candy eyes don’t melt).

3. Slice the dragonfruit thinly.

4. Shape the dragonfruit’s rectangular top and the curved bottom.

5. Place the dragonfruit pieces on top of the watermelon.

6. Use a small glass to shape the bite mark to one side, going all the way through both pieces of fruit.

7. Top with candy eyes and a curved sprinkle for the mouth.

8. Insert the lolly stick.


You could make these and place them in the freezer for those extra warm days (in which case, you may want to omit the candy eyes and sprinkles).

The candy eyes and lolly sticks I use are linked in my Shop.