Prep Time: 40 min.

I created this panda couple in the middle of the pandemic. They are made using only a few ingredients and look so cheeky, with their little pretzel basil bamboo dinner ready to go.


Makes 2.

1. Cut the avocado in half.

2. Slice the bottom side of both halves, so the avocado can lie flat. These pieces will be used for the hands, feet, ears, eyes and nose.

3. Use the circle-shaped cookie cutter to trim the hands and feet.

4. Use the oval-shaped cookie cutter for the eyes and ears.

5. Attach the ears by laying them on top of a toothpick, which you can stick into the side of the avocado.

6. Use a smaller oval-shaped cookie cutter for the nose (or cut by hand).

7. Make a small 1 mm x 1 cm long piece to place under the nose.

8. Stick basil onto the pretzel stick by using a bit of water or edible glue.

9. Assemble the pandas and top them with candy eyes and the bamboo stick.