Prep Time: 45 min.

A sausage roll wreath is such a Christmas party crowd-pleaser. I love how easy it is to make, how festive it looks and the fact that it’s just so delicious. All you need is storebought pizza dough (you can use puff pastry too), mini sausages (or halve your regular ones) and some ketchup. It’s one of those recipes I go back to year after year.


  • store-bought pizza dough
  • mini sausages
  • ketchup
  • egg
  • red pepper
  • parchment paper
  • rosemary twigs


1. Turn on the oven to 200º C (400º F).

2.Roll the dough out into a rectangle.

3. Cut it down the middle and then across to make smaller rectangles.

4. Halve each rectangle diagonally into triangles.

5. Spread ketchup (or mustard, chili sauce, etc) on each triangle.

6. Place a mini sausage on the flat end, tuck in the sides, and roll it like a croissant.

7. Repeat with the remaining sausages.

8. Beat an egg together in a small bowl.

9. Brush the sausage rolls with the egg.

10. Arrange the rolls in a circle (it might help to place a small bowl in the center).

11. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until they are golden brown.

12. Allow to cool.

13. Decorate with rosemary twigs and a red pepper (or real) bow.